Alex Pushkarev

Alex Pushkarev

Senior Software Engineer, Tripadvisor


With more than 10 years in IT, I had a chance to work in different areas, such as development, testing and management. I had a chance to work with PHP, Java, Python and .Net platforms with different application from microservices to monolithic and monstrous desktop UI applications.

With such a wide background I decided to focus on things that help to deliver high-quality software, starting from inception and all the way to operation.
Currently, I am holding the position of Senior Software Engineer, but I prefer to consider myself a full-stack engineer.

My major areas of interests:
– Effective test automation approaches
– Test automation framework architecture
– Data analysis
– DevOps

My passions are quality and efficiency. Agile fan and XP practitioner.

CASE STUDY: TDD: What it can and cannot do
In this session, I will share my hands-on experience working using TDD – both from a testing and development perspective. Some TDD practitioners say that “TDD is the only way”. Some say that TDD just can’t work. But what is the reality?