Free ticket

TestExpo and Agile & DevOps Expo: New Perspectives and Leveraging Modern Technologies

17 October 2024, London

Please submit your registration:

I wish to attend:

Terms and Conditions:

UNICOM will contact you to confirm your registration by email or phone.

Refunds are not available for places already booked.

If you cannot attend, you are welcome to send a substitute delegate.

Complimentary tickets are on a first-come first-served basis and if the offer is oversubscribed in the interests of fairness, UNICOM may limit the number of participants, or the number of persons from the same organisation.

Should for any reason outside the control of UNICOM Seminars Ltd, the programme change, or the event be cancelled for any reason, UNICOM Seminars Ltd will endeavour to reschedule, but the client hereby indemnifies and holds UNICOM Seminars Ltd harmless from and against any and all costs, damages and expenses, which are incurred.

Free ticket offers are sometimes over-subscribed. If you accept a free ticket to attend this event in-person but are subsequently unable to do so, we request you to (i) notify UNICOM by emailing so we can offer your place to another applicant, or (ii) to send a substitute delegate. In the case of ‘no-shows’ UNICOM reserves the right to charge £95+VAT towards venue costs.

Processing of Data:

UNICOM processes and holds data within the “legitimate business interest” terms set out in GDPR legislation. Registrants’ data will not be shared with any third party other than those associated with an event which may include but is not limited to the presenter(s) and exhibitors who are also deemed to have a legitimate business interest. Attendees at UNICOM’s events have the right to unsubscribe at any time.


Should for any reason outside the control of UNICOM Seminars Ltd, the venue or the speakers change, or the event be cancelled for any reason, UNICOM Seminars Ltd will endeavour to reschedule, but the client hereby indemnifies and holds UNICOM Seminars Ltd harmless from and against any and all costs, damages and expenses, including attorneys fees, which are incurred by the client.