Countdown to the conference

Background and Focus

This year’s conference promises to be our most impactful yet, featuring an expanded agenda with a plenary session, two focused tracks, and additional roundtable group discussions.
Agile, DevOps, and Software Testing share environments that foster collaboration. These methodologies transcend new tools and processes, driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence. Our conference delves into current topics and practices, connecting a diverse range of stakeholders and offering both informational and educational experiences.

The program covers cutting-edge subjects, including the exponential growth of AI in our field and its future implications. Practitioners and thought leaders will share real-world experiences to help you develop your business case and achieve significant returns on investment. They will present new perspectives and innovative ideas, demonstrating resilience and effective change management in an unpredictable environment while focusing on boosting productivity and reducing time to market, costs, and resource investments.

Reasons to attend:

  • Learn to leverage modern technologies for a seamless customer experience.
  • Gain techniques, insights, and fresh ideas to apply in your organization.
  • Explore new tools and solutions in the exhibition.
  • Engage in in-depth discussions at roundtable sessions on specific topics.
  • Interact directly with presenters, subject experts, exhibitors, and peers in an interactive format.

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09:00 – 09:30: Keynote on Testing

09:32 – 10:04: Keynote on Agile

10:06 – 10:36: Keynote on DevOps

10:36 – 11:00: Tea/ Coffee break and Networking


11:30 – 13:30: Morning session

13:30 – 14:30: Lunch Break

14:30 – 17:00: Afternoon session


We aim to cover the various topics set out below to show you how to leverage modern technologies to deliver a fully unified customer experience. The day also features two sessions of extended knowledge-sharing via Round Table Discussions in each track for sharing insights and industry trends. These sessions will be for thirty minutes each. Multiple sessions take place all at the same time and you are free to change between sessions.

You are also free to attend any presentation between the two tracks.


  • AI in testing
  • Professionalism and developing your career
  • Enterprise software testing
  • Software system testing process
  • Software test design techniques
  • Mobile Test Automation
  • Site Reliability Engineering
  • Implementing Security Testing
  • Leveraging AI & ML into Testing
  • Barriers to adoption of Testing
  • Testers as Quality advocates
  • Service Virtualization for Testing
  • Cloud-Based Performance Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Enterprise Application Testing
  • Functional Testing: Building the Foundation of Functionality
  • Manual Testing vs. Automated Testing: Pros and Cons
  • Cross-Platform Tool to Build, Test and Package Software
  • Software Testing to Combat Cybersecurity and Risk Compliance
  • Test cases
  • Live technology demo


  • Everybody wants Change, but Nobody Likes to Be Changed
  • The Essence of Agile (or What is Agile)
  • Spiral development cycles
  • Build, test and deploy agile
  • Agile Software Testing
  • Success metrics of Agile
  • Agile Scrum and Agile XP
  • Agile frameworks provide guidance for efficient operational software
  • Adopt a “build-and-run” teams concept
  • Automation and SAFe


  • Delivering AI transformation
  • Observability and monitoring
  • Collaboration
  • Automation
  • Continuous improvement
  • Customer-centric action
  • Creating with the end in mind
  • Software engineering practices
  • Cloud native microservices
  • Automated continuous deployments
  • Building resilient code
  • Organizational impact of DevOps
  • DevSecOps for safer applications
  • Best practices for DevOps
  • Overcome obstacles on the road to DevOps
  • Driving successful platform engineering initiative

Click Here for Previous Programme

Code of Conduct & Diversity

UNICOM’s Code of Conduct & Views on Diversity

We at UNICOM strive to be a leading provider of knowledge to the business community and to engage the global business community as a specialised provider of knowledge. We strive to do this maintaining a culture of co-operation, commitment and trust. We want every UNICOM conference and training day to be a safe and productive environment for everyone – a place to share research and innovation and to build professional networks. To that end, we will enforce a code of conduct throughout all our events. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Our approach is that our events are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity or religion. We do not tolerate intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of sessions or events, and unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, Twitter and other online media. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers. Please bring your concerns to the immediate attention of the event staff.

Diversity: In our endeavour to be the provider of knowledge to the business community, we understand that this depends on hearing from and listening to a variety of perspectives that come from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientation, and military service. We welcome diverse speakers for all our events, we do not always fully achieve this goal, but it is an ongoing process.

Read more…

Call for Participation

We are inviting speakers – thought leaders, subject experts and start-up entrepreneurs – to share their knowledge and enthusiasm about their work and vision in these three fields. Please let us know too if you would like to participate in the ROUND TABLE sessions only.

Please complete the speaker’s response form and submit a proposal to present at this event.

Previous speakers

Richard Bishop

Lead Quality Engineer, Lloyds Banking Group

Paul Gerrard

Principal, Gerrard Consulting

Carlos Gutiérrez

EMEA Application Delivery Product Group Leader, OpenText

Bryan Jones

Director of Quality Engineering & Testing, SOPRA STERIA LIMITED

Nicola Martin

Chair and Inclusion Officer, BCS Software Testing specialist group (SIGiST)

Guillermo Martinez

Founder, Tektique

Steve Mellor

Senior Quality Engineering Architect, Roq

Shajahan Pulikkal

Chief Automation Architect – Test Service Delivery, UST

Alex Pushkarev

Senior Software Engineer, Tripadvisor

Gomathi Ramalingam

Head of Quality Assurance, SIMBA Chain

Mike Smith

Vice Chair, UK & Ireland Testing Board


Director & Founder – The Cynefin Centre, CSO – The Cynefin Company

Geoff Thompson

Chair, UK & Ireland Testing Board

Jonathon Wright

Chief Evangelist, Keysight

Past sponsors

Buy Tickets

End User*
In-person attendance

  • FREE** (limited number available) until 16 August – Apply here
  • Super Early Bird until 30 August - £95 + VAT
  • Early Bird until 20 September - £135 + VAT
  • Standard Price - £165 + VAT
Buy Ticket

Vendor/ Consultant***
In-person attendance

  • Very Super Early Bird until 16 August - £225 + VAT
  • Super Early Bird until 30 August - £350 + VAT
  • Early Bird until 20 September - £450 + VAT
  • Standard Price - £550 + VAT
Buy Ticket

Online attendance

  • Standard Price - £95+VAT
Buy Ticket

* ‘End user’ category applies to:

[1] organisations that are not involved in providing products, tools, services, consulting or recruitment in the areas of software testing, DevOps or Agile.

[2] Persons in management, technical or professional roles not involved is sales or marketing.

** Free tickets are limited and available on a first-come first-served basis.

If you accept a free ticket and subsequently cannot attend the conference, please notify UNICOM at least 24 hours before the conference, or you can send a substitute. No-shows on the day may be invoiced £95+VAT toward venue costs.

*** ‘Vendor / Consultant’ category applies to attendees from organisations that provide products, tools, services, consulting or recruitment in the areas of software Testing, DevOps or Agile.


Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington
Scarsdale Place
W8 5SY